Julio Gaeta

Julio Gaeta has a PhD in Theory, History and Architecture Criticisme de la Federal University of Porto Alegre, Brazil, i és llicenciat arquitecte de la Facultad d'Architecture in Montevideo, Uruguai. Since 1985, he combinat la seva professional practice with academia, working as architect, professor i researcher focusing on architecture and the city. In 1991, he founded ELARQA, a research center and publishing house writing on topics related to architecture and the city. Through ELARQA, heu written and edited over hundred texts sobre architecture and urban topics. He estat membre de l'Artistic Creator of the FONCA-CONCACULTA—el Mexico National System of Artistic Creators—, receiving a four-year grant in 2007 ia 3-year grant in 2011. He estat Mexico's Academic Director de Future City Managers i 21st Century Housing Laboratory, conjunts de programes durant la Universitat Iberoamericana i la Polytechnic University de Catalunya.