ZABŁOCIE_4D Landscape transformation of the streets in Cracow

ZABŁOCIE_4D Landscape transformation of the streets in Cracow

Landscape Architecture

Cracow University of Technilogy

Zabłocie is one of the fastest-growing parts of the Podgórze district.
Due to the strong urbanization and changes in the functioning of industrial facilities that have occurred in
recent years, the communication network of Zabłocie requires transformation and adjustment. The main
objective of the landscape transformation is the introduction of the green and quiet streets with numerous
avenues, squares, café terraces, narrow lanes on two-way streets, the designation of bike routes, the
introduction of passages, squares, ramps and parking spaces for the disabled and many others. These
activities are carried out between the city quarters which, together with a network of communication,
create "Zabłocie_4D '', that is the four dimensions of the contractual Zabłocie district (cultural, creative,
residential and office buildings), available for tourists, with elevated spatial standards and an interesting
public space i.e. the square at the railway crossing.

Architecture Faculty/Landscape Architecture/Master's Diploma
Any Acadèmic