Dew Trails

Dew Trails

LandBasics - Territorial Agriculture in Israel

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Dew Trails - Improving the quality of life of the Arab population in Beit Netofa Valley

This project seeks to preserve and improve the quality of life of the local Arab agricultural population in Beit Netofa Valley and ensure a continuous organic landscape for food and livelihood for the next generations.

The challenge is to preserve the qualities of sustainability in the agricultural space, the values of nature and culture, and to find a balance between them, while also providing an appropriate response to economic, social and environmental issues for users in the region.

Proposal for three trails

My proposal is to utilize the rainwater that floods the valley: A proposed open water conduit will feed reservoirs on both sides. This approach is significant from the economic and environmental perspectives, as well as from a social perspective.

 The guard structure is called "Ezbi" in Arabic. It provides an opportunity to keep the next generations connected to the local culture, and additionally, the "oasis" serves as a Community Garden.  

With regard to the national water carrier, I propose removing the fences and allowing the farmers to reuse the channel strips for organic agriculture or fruit trees free of pesticides. Along the route, areas for social activities, meeting points and sports, accessible for pedestrians and bicycles, will be established.

At one of the important gates to the valley, I suggest setting up a farmers’ market with an integral trail and open spaces, which are lacking in the Arab townships in Israel, as well as coffee shops with local Oriental character. This would allow operating independently of distribution centers, which control prices, and ensure a good income for the farmers.

Landscape Architecture Program
Any Acadèmic
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