Coast in transition, intermediate state

Coast in transition, intermediate state

Final Landscape Master’s Thesis

Polytechnical University of Catalonia

We hear more often about global warming, climate crisis, or climate change. The media role and scientific disclosure in this area have mainly contributed to two things, on the one hand, a registration and visibility of all the events that account for this problem, and, on the other hand, the “normalization” of the situation. Among all this, two words stand out: climate and global. Broadly speaking, the climate is what we can understand as the variation in the patterns of different variables over time, and global as a reference to its scale; however, on the globe, variables and time occur in different ways and on different scales, so we can speak of a common problem to planet Earth that must be dealt with in a particular way in each place.

The history of Barcelona is the history of a city that invents, reinterprets and transforms itself, with the aim of realizing the great ideas of its citizens. And although this process has placed it on the map as a world reference, it has also led it to legitimize dynamics that may be unsustainable.


In a sea level rise scenario, being a coastal city is a great challenge, but so is maintaining an artificial beach along its coastline that suffers from the storms and the annual erosion of beach material.This presents a crucial question, CAN ARTIFICIAL ADAPT TO CLIMATE CHANGE?

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