Cerasella Craciun

Arch. Cerasella CRĂCIUN PhD, Habilitated to Advise Doctoral Research in Urban Planning, is Full Professor at the Bucharest "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, coordinator of the "Landscape Planning and Planning" Programme (since 2000) and Director of the "Landscape and Territory" Master Program (since 2000). He was Director of the "Urban and Landscape Design" Department (between 2013-2016) and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Urbanism (between 2011-2013).

She is the titular of courses: "Protection and Restoration of Natural Heritage", "Landscape Design", "History of Gardens", " Landscape Research, Scenography and Art "; ”Eco-Development and Landscape”, “Research Methods and Techniques” - interdisciplinary “Intelligent Territorial Development” Master (in partnership with the University of Bucharest); “Transdisciplinary Creative and Heuristic Research Methods” (Doctoral Schools) and titular of integrated project  studio and specialized workshops.

She has published 5 author books, 6 co-author/coordinating editor books (including at Springer Publishing House), 9 book chapters, over 60 specialized articles and catalogs, she participated, organized and publicly supported over 100 conferences, seminars, presentations, public and round tables, was author/co-author/curator/coordinator over 80 exhibitions, workshops, competitions, competitions, etc.