Alessandro Bianchi (Rimini 1969), Architect and Ph.D, is Associate Professor at the School AUIC - Politecnico di Milano, where he theaches Landscape Representation and Modelling. Author of several papers and books including: “Landscape by Signs” (2003-2010) and "Il Centro Piacentiniano di Bergamo" (2018). In 2013 he is editor of the exhibition "Palazzo Te allo Specchio", Center of Art and Culture of Palazzo Te. In 2015 he won an award for technological innovation of SIE-SAIE Bologna with the project "First Aid Clinic, smart building". Since 2022 he is Guarantor of the green for the municipality of Milan. Founder of Abad Architetti Milan.
Abad Architetti, a Milanese landscape and architecture studio, was founded in 1999 as a spontaneous association of professionals and has been an engineering company since 2009. Alessandro Bianchi, Andrea Pirollo and Massimiliano Zigoi associated. In recent years they have specialized in the design of public spaces, parks and gardens, with research particularly oriented towards the study of the morphology of open space, of the inhabited city in the space/time of the "15 minutes", of attention to the ecosystemic relationships between man and natural environment.
Main works, exhibitions and awards (last 5 years): 2023 – Winner of the Global future design awards 2023 with the project “Carbon Capture Tower”; 2023 – Municipality of Rome: winner of the national tender for the construction of the new Piazza Visconti, Municipio XII (delivered executive); 2023 – Municipality of Grandate (CO): winner of the national tender for the construction of the new courtyard and the new garden of the historic town hall (delivered executive); 2022 - Municipality of Rimini: winner of the national tender for the construction of the play areas of the seafront entitled "sea forest" (completed); 2021 – Municipality of Menaggio (Como): construction of a new playground in the historic center (completed); 2020 – Municipality of Venice: winner of the national tender for the redesign of 30 playground areas of the Mestre parks (completed); 2019 – Municipality of Venice: winner of the national tender for the redesign of 30 playground areas of the schools in Mestre (completed); 2019 – Municipality of Venice: winner of the national tender for the redesign of 40 playground areas of the schools in Venice (completed); 2018 – Municipality of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: winner of the national tender for the construction of an adventure park; 2018 – Project selected for the exhibition at the Milan Triennale, "Best Italian Interior Design" event;