

Järva Bath

Järva Friluftsbad is an outdoor bath located at Järvafältet, at the outskirts of Stockholm. It serves as a gathering point for residents and includes three pools, two buildings with changing rooms and showers, staff area, a cafe and purification facilities.

Järvafältet is an agricultural landscape with patches of fields, groves, and wooded areas. It´s dominated by open spaces and extensive views. The location is adapted to the structure of the agricultural landscape. The facility is rotated to adopt to the surrounding fields and is adjusted to fit the specific plot. On a smaller scale, the bath is characterized by a palette of few, robust materials that signal different functions. Cast concrete is used around the pools and movement areas, providing a low-maintenance, directionless surface. Wooden decks and furniture give a warm, tactile feeling in contrast to the concrete. Large grassy areas invite to sunbathing and picnics. A canopy provides for shade.

Järvabadet has created a new public focal point in a part of Stockholm that struggles with low economic and social conditions. It’s an inclusive open space where people can learn to swim and becomes a well-needed location where teenagers can meet during summer when school is closed. The function of the bath has stood alongside with the design throughout the whole project, which has created a space that works for both visitors, staff and maintenance.

In a landscape perspective, Järvabadet shows a good example of how you can capture the large gestures of a landscape and work with it to achieve a project anchored in the big scale; the project considers the forms and grammar of the cultural landscape and adapts to it. Järvabadet is a fruitful collaboration between house, landscape and art. A collaboration that led to a comprehensive work. The ambition has been set high throughout the project from the special designed benches, railings, fences around the entire facility to various details in the ground.

Nominated for ”Designpris S” 2020, Svensk Form 

Nominated for ”Lila Awards” 2021, Landezine

Nominated for "Stockholm Building of the year" 2021

Winner of "S:t Julian-Prize" 2022, City of Stockholm (Award for best architectural project to include people with disabilities in society)

Published in Arkitektur (Swedish Architectural magazine) och ArchDaily.

59.397362605357, 17.920836927535

Any de concepció del projecte
Any finalització de l'obra
Cost (€/m²) ($/m²) (€/ha) ($/ha)
12 60 €/m²
Categoria del premi
Subcategoria del premi
Espacios abiertos y equipamientos
Tipus de client
Administració pública
Nom client
City of Stockholm
250 000 00
Empresa constructora
Gestor de manteniment de l'obra
City of Stockholm
Krällingegränd 3 163 62 Spånga
Coordenadas UTM
59.31737953078699, 18.070665705822677
Ciutat / Emplaçament