Haobo Wei是West-line Studio的首席建筑师和创始合伙人,Haobo Wei与其West-line Studio建立了“社区区域性+地缘政治秩序+公共生活方式+复合建筑”的基本工作模式,为亚文化圈中人类生存模式的保护和现代共生增长的发展提供了积极的探索途径。Among the prizes won, there are the Kyoto Global Design Awards 2023 in the “Best 100” category. 在所有奖项中,有2023年京都全球设计奖在“最佳100”类别中。, 2021 Civic Trust Awards International Awards, 2020 International Architecture Awards, 2019 Wan Awards - Architect / Practice Of the Year - Gold, 2018 LEAF Awards - Best Public Building - Winner, 2018 German Design Awards - Architecture - Gold, 2019/2018 A+Awards - Architecture Stone - Winner, 2018 A+Awards - Architecture Concrete - Winner 和其他国际奖项。他的作品出现在许多杂志和出版物中:“Brick Stone Metal Wood”(Images Publishing,2020),“STONE”(Phaidon,2019),“RED - Architecture in Monochrome”(Phaidon,2018),“Chinese Brutalism Today - Concrete and Avant-Garde Architecture”(Oro Editions,2019),Casabella和Arquitectura Viva。他们也已经在主要的建筑媒体和网站上脱颖而出;Domus,Dezeen,Detail和ArchDaily among the other。
他被邀请参加国际建筑奖获奖者展览(2020年雅典),2018年米兰设计周(亚洲设计馆)。3rd China Design Exhibition & Public Art Thematic Exhibition in 2019, 深圳与香港城市建筑双年展 in 2007 and 2013.