Bogaard Park

Bogaard Park

Bogaard Park

Bogaard Park

From barren paved space to lively green urban park.

The radical transformation of the Bogaardplein into a green‭, ‬active city park is the long-awaited kick-off for the further development of the Rijswijk city center In De Bogaard‭. ‬Structural greening is the starting point for optimizing the livability and resilience of the city‭. ‬By interweaving as much nature as possible with the functional aspects of the city park as a social hub‭, ‬a‭ ‬place to meet and relax‭, ‬for sports and play‭, ‬sustainable objectives for the city are also achieved‭. ‬These include climate adaptation‭, ‬resistance to heat stress and rainwater harvesting‭, ‬and the promotion of biodiversity‭, ‬health and well-being‭.‬


First green then development.

Instead of advertising and attending trade fairs as a municipality to attract developers and show the potential of this old shopping center‭, ‬another radical action was resolutely chosen here‭: ‬to transform the parking lot near the mall into an active green‭ ‬park‭. ‬By greening first and creating good quality of life and a destination for the neighbourhood‭, ‬the city could proceed with an ambitious densification including many homes and optimization of the shopping center‭. ‬Praise should be given to the Municipality of Rijswijk for making this well-considered and economic choice that benefits climate‭, ‬biodiversity‭, ‬people and economy‭. ‬In this example‭, ‬landscape served as a basis for economic growth‭.‬


From parking lot to park.   

Located atop the existing parking garage‭, ‬this new city park will have a sloping surface with a wide variety of greenery‭, ‬from large trees and shrubs to flowering plants and grasses‭. ‬Through the space meander beautiful‭, ‬paved pathways that connect the different functionalities of the park‭. ‬This creates a recreational route for cyclists and pedestrians within a verdant oasis and with ever-changing views‭. ‬On the way to the shopping area‭, ‬or crossing the city park on a bicycle‭, ‬this new city landscape invites‭ ‬you to take a deep breath and enjoy a moment purely in the greenery‭. ‬Moreover‭, ‬the city park is a destination in itself‭; ‬an attractive refuge for young and old for healthy exercise and daily relaxation‭.‬

Across the park is a looping route with various sports and play facilities‭, ‬spaces for picnicking‭, ‬sunbathing or just relaxing in the shade‭. ‬There will be a spacious terrace with an amphitheater and a new water element where children can play safely on hot‭ ‬days while their guardians relax on a bench supervising them‭. ‬Rijswijk will also have a weekly organic market in this new city‭ ‬park‭, ‬connecting the old functionality of Bogaardplein and its adjacent shopping area with the city’s healthy‭, ‬green future strategy‭.‬


A contemporary urban park

By redefining the existing character of the place and bringing more green into the center of Rijswijk‭, ‬the city park responds to‭ ‬contemporary issues of climate adaptation‭, ‬biodiversity and health and well-being for the future‭. ‬The park’s current functions will be revitalized‭, ‬while new activities will also find their place in the city park‭. ‬The existing water basin will be replaced by a theater of fountains‭. ‬In winter‭, ‬the water element can give way to a paved‭, ‬flexible central plaza space for other activities and events such as an ice rink or Christmas market‭.‬


52.0352167, 4.3164858

Any de concepció del projecte
Any finalització de l'obra
Cost (€/m²) ($/m²) (€/ha) ($/ha)
200, eu. per square metre.
Categoria del premi
Subcategoria del premi
Parques urbanos y metropolitanos
18.000 m²
Tipus de client
Administració pública
Nom client
Municipality Rijswijk
Empresa constructora
Donker Groep
Coordenadas UTM
52.03596440065049, 4.316935377354808
Ciutat / Emplaçament
Zuid Holland
Països Baixos