Urban forest. Parque Tercer Milenio (Third Millenium Park)

Urban forest. Parque Tercer Milenio (Third Millenium Park)

Landscape architecture: urban natures

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Starting from the current situation (urban-environmental diagnosis) of the Parque Tercer Milenio, the student must design strategies that reactivate the park and the adjoining sector, from the environmental, urban, and social points of view. The main objective is to understand the importance of trees in the ecosystem services of the city. For this, the student must propose an urban forest and design bodies of water that solve some environmental problems and, simultaneously, become a playful-contemplative space.
The focus of this exercise is on trees as forest material for the creation of urban spaces, learning about tree planting patterns, and the management of urban forests. The collection and distribution of shallow water is the leading construction challenge, as it requires the design of artificial bodies of water that recognize the hydrological memory of the place and help to correct flooding problems.

Department of Architecture / Architectural Design / Architecture Degree