J&L Gibbons is an established and visionary Landscape Architecture studio based in London. The practice began in 1986 and is renowned for its innovative and holistic design process combining research and an open-minded approach to design. J&L Gibbons has the experience and skill to envisage and communicate the dynamic and specific beauty of each landscape over the long-term. The practice is driven by a desire to safeguard the deep ecologies that shape the character of a place. It is dedicated to key practice priorities of design quality, integrated green infrastructure, promoting natural heritage (especially veteran trees), landscape stewardship and community empowerment through sharing knowledge and experience in the landscape. This is reflected in the studio’s portfolio which is characterised by a scrupulous understanding of both natural processes and community networks.
Our research activities are fundamental to our design practice. Particular strands include anthropogenic soils, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), urban forestry and wellbeing. This is realised through projects in landscape restoration, habitat creation and design with nature, particularly in the urban environment. Publications such as the recent ‘Conversations on Urban Forestry’ aim to elucidate the fertile ground of our cross disciplinary practice. We are a core research partner of Urban Mind with Kings College London and art collective Nomad Projects concerning how city living is affecting well-being. In 2016 we established a unique and innovative Social Enterprise, Landscape Learn, using the seasonality of nature to structure an alternative approach to immersive learning processes. We are dedicated to collaborative practice and upholding the origins of the profession which cross the arts, sciences and humanities.
As a founding signatory of UK Landscape Architects Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency, J&L Gibbons is serious about its environmental and social responsibilities. Creative Partners Jo and Neil regularly lecture internationally. They champion landscape architecture, with urgency, as a critical discipline in shaping a more resilient, healthy and uplifting vision for the future.