O2rígen: Renaturalització del riu Onyar al seu pas pel Barri Vell de Girona

O2rígen: Renaturalització del riu Onyar al seu pas pel Barri Vell de Girona

Màster en arquitectura

Universitat de Girona

The project is based on urban, architectural and landscape improvement. architectural and landscape improvement of the area that includes the current Plaça Catalunya. In this area, a series of strategies have been carried out to define the four main elements that have defined the four main elements of the project of the project. The square is a series of free spaces which created with the union of the two urbanised sides of the Onyar river. Providing the city with a new public space, that ceases to be a residual space and a private car park, private vehicle parking.These new open spaces will provide visitors a new view of the Barri Vell (Old Quarter), which is currently under threat. The square will be linked with two bridges at street level and two galleries at street level and two galleries at river level, which will be accessible from the square. from the square. The pre-existing traffic flows in Plaça Catalunya will be modified to reduce the visual and acoustic impact of vehicles and acoustic impact of motor vehicles. Onyar needs to showcase itself and connect with the different areas of the with the different spaces of the project in order to establish effective connections between the different points of the environment. The renaturalisation of the river through plant species adapted to the adapted to the context of the current drought, revitalising the area with new flora and fauna in the territory.

Any Acadèmic
Maçanet de la Selva