Grow No Bounds

Grow No Bounds

Landscape Architecture Studio II

University of Calgary

Ramsay and Inglewood are historic neighbourhoods in Calgary, Alberta, CA. A mosaic of architectural styles, demographics and cultural attractions have grown together over time, creating a multiplicity of identities in these communities. These neighbourhoods are physically fragmented by major rail and auto thoroughfares within the site. They are bordered by the Elbow and Bow rivers on the West and North sides and a major industrial area to the Southeast. Although fragmented, this community is culturally connected. Active community associations, volunteer programs, two vibrant community gardens, seed exchanges, sixteen little free libraries, a high ratio of residential urban agriculture, and local markets all emerge from a connected population. This atmosphere of sharing presents an opportunity to design toward community engagement. This proposed park, “Grow No Bounds,” provides publicly accessible fruit gardens with opportunities for volunteer participation. The site is located along a proposed greenway, and is oriented toward local residents atop the Jefferies Park plateau, a popular public park re-imagined in this project as a community hub. Landform is modeled to address water needs by harnessing north winter winds, while also creating space without blocking the views to the East. “Grow No Bounds” is designed along three main concepts to provide spaces that bring people together: shared food, gathering spaces, and play.

School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape / Master of Landscape Architecture
Any Acadèmic