Spaces of Aproach and Optimizations of Interactive Links between Humans and Wild Birds that Coexist in the City of Caracas

Spaces of Aproach and Optimizations of Interactive Links between Humans and Wild Birds that Coexist in the City of Caracas

Final Degree Project

Universidad Simon Bolivar

Caracas is a city with a lot of opportunities due to its physical, social, political and economical characteristics. Since it is a
city that has a great biodiversity, which is part of the contrast that exists between nature and construction, it faces a problem of disconnection between its inhabitants specifically, humans and wild birds. Therefore, due to the poor information that currently exists because of the lack of spaces where citizens can be educated on how they can interact with these species, there is a risk of threatening their preservation.
As a result, there is the need to project places that contain more sustainable and resilient ways of linking the inhabitants with these species, spaces that have educational and recreational programs wich promote awareness towards the study and
protection of this species. All in all, this project seeks to create a new green node in the city, specifically in the Dr David Alejandro Márquez Escalante green park. A place where citizens of all ages meet with the same purpose of reconnecting
with Caracas and the environment through architecture as a tool to project a journey through nature, that provides visitors a new way to get education and enjoy public spaces. Moreover it can generate new activities into the city such as ornithologi- cal tourism or bird watching and an urban observatory to contemplate Caracas

Career of Architecture
Any Acadèmic