Manfredi Leone (LandLabPA), Angelica Agnello (Orto Capovolto), Marco Claude (Make)

Manfredi Leone, 1968
Professor of Landscape Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo.
Architect, Landscape Designer, he is vice president of the Sicily regional section of the Italian Landscape Architects Association - AIAPP.
Board member of IASLA - Italian Academic Society of Landscape Architecture
He is the author of  Parco Uditore  in Palermo (Italy), and has to his credits numerous interventions of landscapes and architectures.

Angelica Agnello, 1986
Architect and farmer. She graduated in architecture at the University of Palermo in 2013, today she works at Studio Agnello & Associati and, for some years now, also as an agricultural entrepreneur in Menfi where she is the owner of a small farm. In 2015 he founded, together with a group of friends, the social cooperative Orto Capovolto.

Marco Claude 1985
Artist. At a very early age he began to cultivate his passion for graphics and illustration. After completing his studies in the scientific area, he continues and develops his passion for art, and in 2015 he joins the Farm Cultural Park, where he is responsible for the graphic image and numerous installations.
He has participated in numerous exhibitions and worked internationally with his works in Bristol, Berlin, Paris.