
Ramon Torra


Lecturer 2 and 11

Ramon Torra is an architect from the ETSAB (1980). He is manager of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area since July 2011 (between 2008 and 2011 called the Association of Municipalities of the AMB). CEO of IMPSOL since October 2008. He has been a municipal architect and Director of Territorial Services at the Granollers City Council (1982-1992).

As Director of Technical Services of the Association of Municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona, ​​the projects developed under his direction that have received different professional recognitions: FAD Awards in different editions, Catalonia Construction Award 2007, ATEG 2002 Awards, International Prize Barbara Cappochin 2005 (Padova), Prize AIA Continental Europe 2000, Construmat Prize 2007, II Rosa Barba Landscape Prize 2000 and 2002, among others.

He drafted different planning figures, such as the General Plan for Granollers, Partial and Special Plans among others, as well as various public space and architectural projects.


Gilles Clément


Lecturer 2, 5 and 11

Gills Clement is a Horticultural engineer, landscape architect, author, gardener, and teacher at the « Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage » in Versailles (ENSP). In additional to his activity as a creator of parks, gardens , public and private areas, he pursues his theoretical and practical investigations in three directions : The Garden in Motion,  a concept derived from experiments in his own garden in the Creuse, and applied to public areas in France and abroad beginning in 1983. The initial description of this work was published in 1991 with four successive reprints by Sens and Tonka in Paris. The idea was put into practice for the first time in a public space in 1986 at the André Citroën Park in Paris, inaugurated in 1999. Numerous projects based on this principle of management have since been carried out, in particular at the “Lycée Agriculturel Jules Rieffel” in Saint Herblain (Loire Atlantique) between 2004 and 2009. The Planetary Garden, a political project, based on ecological humanism, first brought to public attention by a novel/essay Thomas et le Voyageur, published by Albin Michel in 1996, and by a major exhibit in the “Grande Halle de la Villette” in Paris (1999/2000) as well as by a certain number of studies: -the Planetary Garden of Shanghai -the Landscape Charter of Vassivière (Limousin) and other work in progress. The Third -Landscape -a concept developed in the course of a landscape appraisal in the Limousin, defined as a « hesitant fragment of the Planetary Garden », applied to all neglected (friche) or  left  behind spaces (délaissés) which he considers as the principal breeding area for biological diversity.


Colleen Mercer-Clarke


Lecturer 11

She has been announced as the recipient of the 2019 International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) President’s Award at the World Congress in Oslo, Norway. Colleen's work on planning and design for a changing world has a special focus on adaptive planning in coastal communities. Colleen has over 30 years’ experience in the private sector as a senior environmental manager working on a wide array of initiatives throughout Eastern and Atlantic Canada and internationally. Trained as both a marine ecologist (B.Sc, M.Sc., Memorial 1976) and landscape architect (M.L.A., Guelph 1987), her early work focused on environmental planning, assessment and management, including coastal, watershed and municipal planning, site design and conservation of special places. Colleen has contributed to regional national and international development of coastal policies, programs and institutions that advance the principles of precaution, stewardship and sustainability. She is an experienced team leader, skilled in the facilitation of complex meetings.  Colleen left consulting in 2005, completing aDoctorate in interdisciplinary studies (Dalhousie 2010) as well as Post Doctoral studies (Memorial 2011) in coastal governance, coastal health and impending climate change. Since 2009, she has participated in research-community-government teams working across Canada and in the Caribbean on coastal preparedness for environmental changes associated with shifting climate and extreme weather events. Colleen leads the CSLA Task Force on Adaptation and Chairs the IFLA Working Group on Climate Change, continuing her commitment to the sustainability of nearshore environments and communities. 


Xiong, Li


Lecturer 9 and 11 

Li Xiong, Vice-President of Beijing Forestry University, Professor, PhD tutor, who is the Member of the China Committee of Experts on Landscape Architecture of the Ministry of Housing and Construction; Convenor of the China Landscape Architecture Discipline Review Group of the Degree Committee of the State Council; Secretary-General of the China Steering Committee for Postgraduate Education Degree of the National Landscape Architecture. He guided students to won important competitions at home and abroad, such as IFLA Asia-Pacific University Student Landscape Design Award, Japan Garden Society Award. He also has won the first prize of China Landscape Architecture And Landscape Society scientific and technological progress, the Asia Pacific Gold Award of the International Federation of Landscape Architecture, published 3 books, published more than 200 academic papers.


Martha Schwartz

Lecturer 11

Landscape architect and artist with a major interest in urban projects, creating public realm spaces that engage with people, and build community through intelligent, focused, yet unexpected ideas-based design. Her background is in both fine arts and landscape architecture and is a Professor In Practice at The Harvard Graduate School of Design where she has taught since 1992. Her mission is to explore the relationship between landscape, art and culture and challenge traditional concepts of landscape design; find opportunities where landscape design solutions can enhance the social, environmental, and economic sustainability of a place and raise them to a level of fine art; and make landscape design critical to the sustainability of our surroundings. Martha has over 29 years of experience as a landscape architect and artist collaborating with a variety of world-renowned architects on a diverse portfolio of projects. She holds a Doctor of Science (DSc) from the University of Ulster, and is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes including the Cooper- Hewitt Museum National Design Award for her body of work in Landscape Architecture, an honorary fellowship from the Royal Institute of British Architects, several design awards from the American Society of Landscape Architects, and visiting residencies at Radcliffe College and the American Academy in Rome of which she is a Fellow. She has lectured both nationally and internationally about the landscape with her work featuring widely in publications as well as gallery exhibitions.

Antonio Presti

Lecturer 8

Antonio Presti 是西西里岛的艺术家的赞助人他决定将自己的全部精 力以及他的个人资产都投入到艺术与文化上。也是Fiumara艺术基金会 主席致力于引起意大利甚至全世界对道德伦理之上的文化的关注 种意识的形成也是一个美的演变过程。在初期在西西里岛Nebrodis 谷上的公园雕塑就是Fiumara艺术的产物Atelier sul Mare 等等

Francesc Muñoz

Lecturer 8

Francesc Muñoz1995年起是巴塞罗那自治大学的教授和地质学博 士。专注于城市规划与土地设计方法参加过关于此类问题的欧洲委员 会的任务。目前他是巴塞罗那自治大学城市规划观察组和景观管理和干 预硕士项目负责人

Yael Moria - Klein

Lecturer 8

Yael Moria-Klain是海法以色列理工学院景观建筑的教授。她是景观设 计师Moria-Sekely观建筑一家负责过多项以色列城市景观项目的 业的合作人。Moria-Klain时是建筑与公共空间领域的研究员和管 理者。她于加泰罗尼亚理工大学取得建筑与城市文化的硕士学位

Enric Granell

Ponent 8

1955年出生于巴塞罗那。西班牙建筑师ETSAB建筑与艺术史教授 责过不同展览。并在杂志上发表过各种文章城市的道路Insula, Rey lagarto, Dyonisos, Arquitecturas bis, Casabella,

Claude Eveno

Lecturer 8

城市规划师作家。Cahiers du CCI Monumental的前主编。在法 国文化局担任顾问在国家工业制造大学担任科研带头人同时也授 课于景观与自然国家学校。他的著作有“Un amateur d’architecture”, L’Imprimeur,1994“Regarder le paysage”, Gallimard, 2010“Histoires d’espaces”, Sens & Tonka, 2012“Un monde avant”, Bourgois, 2013.

Sun Libo - CABP

Lecturer 8

19638月出生级经济师获得国务院特殊津贴、获评原国家新闻 出版总署领军人才现任中国建筑工业出版社副社长。孙立波先生长期 从事出版管理工作主抓生产经营、质量管理致力于推动工作的制度 化、规范化和公开化追求公平公正

Xiangrong Wang - JCHLA

Lecturer 8

风景园林》主编、《中国园林》副主编北京多义景观主持设计师 中国风景园林学会副理事长、北京林业大学园林学院副院长、教授 景园林学科负责人。1983获同济大学建筑系学士学位1986获北京 业大学园林系硕士学位 1995获德国卡塞尔大学城市与景观规划系 博士学位。设计作品2获得美国风景园林师协会优秀奖2获得英国 国家景观奖4获得国际风景园林师联合会亚太区优秀奖2获得中 风景园林学会优秀奖。出版《西方现代景观设计的理论与实践》等著 6发表论文90

Bradford McKee

Lecturer 8

Brad20104月至今任美国景观杂志主编之后加入美国景观设计师 协会在此杂志100周年时他对其进行了革新。在担任杂志主编之前 10他一直是自由写作者间在纽约时报任职6记者同时也 ArchitectI.D两本杂志的特约编辑。1993年当他涉入Architecture 他的设计类杂志生涯从此开始在那里他最终成为一名资深编辑和 编直到该杂志在2006闭。1992他开始每周为华盛顿城市报报 19972000该报美编

Jose Vidal - PAISEA

Lecturer 8

西班牙建筑1977毕业于瓦伦西亚建筑学院ETSAV-UPV), 并在该校城市规划系任教授。自1997年起观和建筑设计首席编 辑。1997至今观专题研讨会负责人。瓦伦西亚景观建筑师协会成 员。 “paisea” “paisea Dos”观设计杂志的总负责人和创始人

Patricio Mardones - ARQ

Lecturer 8

智利建筑毕业于智利天主教大学1999在迭戈波塔利斯大学 安德烈斯贝洛大学和智利天主教大学任教。同时也与 Rodrigo Pérez de Arce Teodoro Fernández, Mathias Klotz Cecilia Puga 合作成立工作室。圣 亚哥大教堂新地穴项目2006以及UC Lo Contador区的图书馆扩建 项目的合作设计师。目前是 ARQ 出版商的主管及其同名杂志主编发表 当代智利建筑的文章四十多篇

Novella Cappelletti - PAYSAGE

Lecturer 8


Robert Schäfer - TOPOS

Lecturer 7 and 8

Robert Schäfer1954年出生于德国Topos的主编。在柏林工业大学 习景观设计斯图加特大学学习新闻学。1992创办欧洲的风景园 杂志Topos并于2005Topos为国际风景园林、城市设计杂志。自 1984年起担任德国风景园林杂志Garten + Landschaft 编。从1982 以来一直生活在慕尼黑

Karsten Jørgensen - JOLA

Lecturer 8

Karsten Jorgensen1993年来是挪威生命科学大学的景观系教授UMB 观建筑本科科学博士 (1989) 。景观杂志JOLA编辑及创始人(2006) UMBKarsten Jorgensen长时间教授风景园林理论和历史课程

Cameron Bruhn - LAA

Lecturer 8

Architecture Media澳大利亚建筑与设计界的领先的出版商。 昆士 兰大学建筑学士学位在墨尔本皇家理工大学开展以实践为基础的博士 研究。他曾两次成为威尼斯建筑双年展澳大利亚馆主创团队成员之一 并于2010年作为评审参与澳大利亚国家建筑师奖的评审

Chris Reed - STOSS

Lecturer 8

Reed宾夕法尼亚大学景观建筑学硕士学位以及哈佛大学城市研究的文 科学士学位。现在正在哈佛大学设计研究生院景观实践专业担任副教 授。REEDStoss创校校长。他对公共空间革新性的、兼收并蓄的处 理方法得到了国际认可。他最近成为大量发行的绘图科研 “Ecologies” 的副编辑

Saskia Sassen

Lecturer 8

Saskia Sassen伦比亚大学社会学教授主席 (www.saskiasassen. com). 她的研究和著作主要关注于全球化、人口迁徙、全球城市。其新 书《驱逐全球经济中的暴行和复杂性》即将由哈佛出版社出版。其获 过全球多项奖项荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的荣誉博士学位全球前 100名外交政策思想家,GDI-MIT全球前100名思想领袖2014年由杂志评 选出的全球前50名思想家2013Principe de Asturias社会科学

Kristina Hill

Lecturer 8

Kristina Hill哈佛大学博士学位。她是加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校 的副教授。Hill教授的工作是用城市生态动力学研究关于物质性设计和 社会公平的问题。她是纽约城市设计学院成员获得富布·赖特基金奖 对瑞典的斯德哥尔摩进行城市研究

Martin Rein Cano - TOPOTEK1

Lecturer 8

1967年布宜洛斯艾利斯出生曾在法兰克福大学学习艺术史 汉诺威科技大学和卡尔斯鲁厄科技大学学习景观。在旧金山Peter Walker&Martha Schwarz工作室接受专业训练。1996年成立独立工作室 TOPOTEK1。在欧洲和北美多地做客座教授。在国际诸多大学和研究机构 做演并经常担任设计竞赛评委。多项竞赛获一等奖出版多本书

Anna Lambertini - Studio Limes

Lecturer 8

巴塞罗那自治大学地质科学与环境技术研究所教授兼研究员。主要研究 领域包括全球环境演变、城市和森林的生物多样性、环境沟通。1995 获联合国全球500

Martí Boada

Ponent 2, 3 i 8

巴塞罗那自治大学地质科学与环境技术研究所教授兼研究员。主要研究 领域包括全球环境演变、城市和森林的生物多样性、环境沟通。1995 获联合国全球500

Manuel Ruisánchez

Manuel Ruis醤chez,建筑师、景观设计师。加泰罗尼亚理工大学城市以及领域规划系成员,ETSAV建筑学院教授(1982-1992),1991年至今任景观硕士教授,1992年至今任规划本科教学教授。曾是华盛顿大学、哈佛大学、威尼斯建筑学院访问教授。目前也是加泰罗尼亚建筑师协会文化理事会会员,LUB会员、AxA会员。第五届国际景观双年展主席,第六届国际景观双年展决赛入围。Ruis醤chez事务所创始人,实践项目获多项奖项。