The historical sites in the Iron Gates Natural Park - St Ladislaus fortress

The historical sites in the Iron Gates Natural Park - St Ladislaus fortress

City Park

“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism

The historical sites in the Iron Gates Natural Park  - Saint Ladislaus fortress

Explaining the Concept

After analyzing the existing situation of the Danube on Romanian land, we chose National Park – “Iron Gates” as study area for the intervention scenario at macro-territorial level due to the high number of tourist attractions (especially on “Clisura Dunarii”) . There are many actual elements, unconnected between each other, in the park area.

The area is easily accessible (due to the national road and the 4 harbors), many reservations, hiking rotes, museums, monuments and architectural aggregates.In the actual concept we are proposing to connect and capitalize the positive elements of the National Park - creating thematic routes. Each route should contain a diversity of attractions, but only one main attraction – which will give the route theme.  We should have:

- “Wild life observation route”    

- “Ecumenical route”

- “Cultural theme route”

- “Flora specific route”

- “Rural thematic route”

- “Reservation Route”

This Project is proposing the consolidation and restoration of “St Ladislau” fortress from Coronini village, Caras-Severing county, creating a historical theme park which will support one of the previously mentioned routes (“Cultural theme route”).

Landscape Design and Planning
Any Acadèmic
Coronici, Caras Severin