La Presidenta linear botanical park

La Presidenta linear botanical park

Énfasis II en paisaje y espacios verdes urbanos

Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín

La Presidenta linear park is located in El Poblado’s commune of Medellín, Colombia. This park is settled around both sides of it, taking part of the ecological network made through of the city hydric tributaries. The streams, unlike the rivers, are bodies of water featured by their shallowness and weak streamflow. They are, indeed, quite remarkable in environmental and landscape fields, and in this city, being born in mountainsides and flowing into the Medellín river, have helped to set the urban growing through history. Our city, has started recovery processes of the Medellín river and some streams.

The park was conceived as a meeting place to the community and its importance is on this is just a few of the parks of the city designed to create a value on the hydric structures. This design is under the key premise to value the landscape and biodiversity protection, improving accessibility and connection conditions inside of it, and understanding the ecological relevance of bodies of water, improve the security perception, and substitution and introduction of new vegetable species, in order to refining existing activities and converting the park in a node, not just for its neighbors but to the city as a whole, and replicate this strategy as revitalization of the Medellín stream system.

Facultad de arquitectura / Arquitectura
Any Acadèmic