A park at the confluences of Brest Metropolis (VERSAILLES)

A park at the confluences of Brest Metropolis (VERSAILLES)

Personnal end of studies work - DPLG (master degree)

The Versailles-Marseille landscape architect school (ENSP)

How can the city of Brest resume possession of Penfeld river today? And how to take into account not only the military background of the place but also its historical and public life and the expression of its vegetation?
How to reveal and create a new landscape in the heart of a seaside metropolis? All these questions are incentives to build up a new reflection based on different points. Reinvesting the various spaces dedicated to the military, concealed, sterilized places but also places of nature preserved from confinement. Spaces of the sublime by the confrontation of our gaze upon the history and the mighty infrastructure. How to reveal and reinterpret the wealth and diversity of the scenery already there to bring them into dialogue with contemporary concerns and uses? Brest seems to be losing momentum despite its communication and economy linked with the sea. In the future it will be necessary to look back towards the hinterland left behind our back. The river represents a three-dimensional space which is both a surface and a transition between fresh and salt water, between an inside and an outside, between a split city and the cocoon of its green growth. Can its exuberant vegetation linked to the soil but especially to the climate be a possible even if neglected identity for the city?
The botanical inspiration mixed with a historical, urbanistic but also pragmatic vision, can all these elements lead to a new attractive landscape fo the public life? How can the poetical atmosphere of La Penfeld be at the root of a new composition of Brest and its metropolis?

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