Urban Biodiversity in a Parasitic ecosystem. Study case-Oradea

Urban Biodiversity in a Parasitic ecosystem. Study case-Oradea


University of Architecture and Urban Planning Ion Mincu

Perhaps the most obvious conflict between man and the other components of the biocenosis is the city. The anthropization of a region rich in terms of natural resources affects the flora and fauna specific to the place. The rapid and chaotic development of the city affects the local ecosystems, the urban fabric becoming a void with small islands of biodiversity, represented by green spaces. Considering that the city of Oradea is tangent or even overlaps with Natura 2000 protected natural areas, the valuable natural heritage at territorial level is distinguished. The fact that the areas are arranged approximately diametrically to the city, turns Oradea into an area of their confluence. Thus, there is a need for a strategy to control possible conflicts between the anthropic environment and the natural environment.

Urban and Landscape Design
Any Acadèmic