Symbiosis with nature

Symbiosis with nature

Landscape architecture

Chongqing University

The Sundarbans, a world Natural Heritage site in the Ganges Delta, is home to one of the largest mangrove ecosystems in the world. The project focuses on the ecologically sensitive boundaries of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, where hundreds of thousands of people depend on mangroves for their well-being. Since the 19th century, due to irrational land development and use in surrounding communities, community productivity has been lost, and people have become increasingly dependent on illegally collected resources and sources of livelihood from mangroves, exacerbating forest degradation, biodiversity loss, and human-tiger conflict. The project analyzes the causes of livelihood choices and vulnerability of the surrounding communities, and promotes more adaptive and nature-based sustainable livelihood models to ensure livelihood security and mitigate risks by helping the residents to change their land use patterns and forest-dependent livelihoods.
These strategies, inspired by local traditional wisdom, use biodegradable infrastructure and water to live. All measures are local, low-cost, low-tech and sustainable, affordable for local residents. It enable maintain the balance between human beings and resources.

Department of Environmental Design / College of Art
Any Acadèmic
Chongqing, China