Frédéric Christoph Girot

Born Paris, 1957. Master’s in landscape architecture of the University of California. Chairman of the Landscape Design Department at the Versailles ENSP. He founded Studio ONNE in 1995. Main works: industrial landscape for SIEGL, Hermès; Chapsa homeless shelter, Nanterre; Public Park in Alfortville; redevelopment of Renault Factory, Boulogne Billancourt; Invaliden Park, Berlin; Six Arpents Park, Pierrelaye.

Joaquim Sabaté

UPC-trained doctorate architect and University of Barcelona graduate in Economic Sciences. ETSAB professor and researcher since 1976. Director of the UPC Town Planning Department since 1992. He has undertaken CCRS urban projects in Catalonia, the Canary and Balearic Islands, and Andalusia. He has been awarded the National Prize for Town Planning on three occasions.

Ramon Folch

Born Barcelona, 1946. He is a Doctor of Biology, a consultant in environmental management at the UNESCO, Secretary General at the International Advice Council of the Latinoamerican Forum of Environmental Sciences, holds the UNESCO chair in sustainable development and is Director of the Biosphere Project. Author of 14 books and director of the TV series “Mediterrània” and “Natura”. Jaume I Honor Award (1990), Narcis Monturiol Medal (1991), Alzina Award (1992) and Environment Award (1995).

José Miguel A. F. Aceytuno

Born Gran Canaria, 1951. He is an architect, founder and director of Gabinete PRAC, specialising in environmental restoration projects. Main works: Canary Garden; Music Park; Maspalomas Ecomuseum; Coastal Park of Las Salinas de Bañaderos; Cultural Station of Tindaya; Guiniguada Project.

Gerd Aufmkolk

Born 1943. He graduated from the Technical University of Munich in 1970. Since 1974 he has worked independently as a landscape architect and for about 15 years as a partner in Werkgemeinschaft Freiraum Nürenberg. Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Munich.

Rik de Visser

Born Rotterdam. He studied landscape architecture at the Agricultural University of Wageningen and graduated in 1985. Between 1985 and 1994 he worked as a landscape architect for the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries. Guest professor at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam and the Larenstein International Agricultural College in Velp. ln 1994 he and ecologist Sjef Jansen founded the office of VISTA in Amsterdam.

Antoni Montseny

Born Barcelona, 1963. Graduated in Economical Sciences from the UAB. Specialist in rural and regional economy. Member of the Spanish Agrarian Economists Association. He currently plans and manages the project Anella Verda as Director of the Natural Environmental Service and Territorial Planning of the Barcelona Regional Council He is director of the magazine “Area. Debats Territorials”.

Jeppe Aagaard Andersen

Dinamarca  1952-2018. Graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 1980. He founded his own landscape architectural office in 1987. Main works: remodelling of the outskirts of Kronborg; Elsinore; Herning Town Square, Herning; Island of Museums, Roskilde; Calsberg Brewery, Valby; European Film College, Ebeltoft. Awarded with NYKREDIT architectural prize in 1993. He is chairman of the editorial board of the Landscape magazine.

Marta Schwartz

Studies in Fine Art at the University of Michigan, 1973. Studied Landscape Architecture in Michigan and Harvard, 1974-1977. After working with Peter Walker, Ken Smith and David Meyer, she set up her own firm in San Francisco in 1990. She is currently lecturer on the Landscape Architecture course at Harvard School of Design. Main works: Splice Garden, Cambridge; Rio Shopping Center, Atlanta; The Citadel, California; United States Courthouse Plaza, Minnesota; Jacob Javitz Plaza, New York.