The EXO Project

The EXO Project

BLA Capstone Design Studio

University of Guelph

The EXO project seeks to design and innovate with nature to elevate people’s awareness of and connection to the natural world, by placing nature’s treasures in the heart of London. The site is situated alongside the King’s Cross Railway in London, England, which serves as a connection from London to the rest of Europe. However, the location directly exposes the site and areas in proximity to high levels of noise pollution. As part of my thesis research, I investigated soundscape design and noise mitigation in urban settings. In my research findings, biophonic sound was found to possess healing impacts on humans and fauna alike. Mitigating noise, while preserving sounds of nature and producing captivating soundscapes became a focal point in the EXO Project. The nature escape brings better access to healing landscapes for the people, ranging from locals with high stress jobs to worn out tourists after a long day of exploration. By incorporating an accessible ‘third room’ framework for social engagement, leisure, and psychotopia, The EXO Project serves as a sensory wonderland for nature lovers, those who have limited access to nature, and those who have lost their connection to the earth’s gifts. The park draws from principles of art and music in nature to emphasize the need for protecting the earth, improving environmental consciousness.

School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Academic year