Zhuhai National Park

Zhuhai National Park

Zhuhai National Park

10,000公顷的大型珠海国家公园,在贵州省,在中国的西南部,以其独特的竹海的存在而着称,这是一个重要的旅游景点。地方旅游局已经决定促进一个景观项目, das eine Gesamtfläche von 22.000 m2 包括, 以 das Bewusstsein für die Erhaltung der originalen terrestrischen Formen und土著物种 zu schärfen.
Das Gateway des Parks旨在成为一个集合von vertical Lines zu sein,一个密集的集群,可以偶然地在一个海洋中被捕获。Die Türen sind im Wald 隐藏和相互作用 与不同的天气条件 in der Region (太阳,雾,雨,风和雪),这使得建筑不稳定和灵活。

The program includes the main entrance to the National Park, a tea pavilion together with a larger landscape project which involves flying boardwalks, which allow visitors to experience the forest without affecting the environment. The iconic entrance is characterized by a support system made of concrete with bamboo hung on the roof. Because of the presence of a mixture of water and sugar inside, the bamboo has been steam-treated to take out the oil and avoid decay. Since the local equipment only allows the bamboo to be steamed to a maximum length of 6m, it must be divided in two parts, 5.5m each, kept together by hand-made galvanized metal joints.

A water pond, built under the entrance gate, helps create fog due to the differing temperatures, especially in the early morning and sunset or during winter and rainy days. The architecture is based on a full understanding of the character of the Bamboo Sea and aims to play with weather elements.

The project explores the interaction mechanisms between the dense organizational space of the bamboo forest and the factors of the native environmental climate, aiming to capture its unique texture and convey the poetry of the place. The design adopts the working model of Wes-tline Studio, which focuses on “geographical order + atmosphere creation + composite construction.” This approach is beneficial in maintaining the original context and emotional quality of the geographical site while also facilitating a symbiotic existence structure between site order and place spirit. The completion of the project provides visitors with a new experience of entering the mysterious and poetic bamboo forest, establishing a romantic and unique ceremonial entrance, and elevating the sense of place for this specific location.


The Bamboo Sea National Park has a forest cover of 96.43%, an area of 10,666 hectares, a park with an altitude between 250 and 1730 metres and 345 species of wildlife. The main material procurement for the project was realised locally.


 Enlace al mapahttps://goo.gl/maps/G449SauDwLSrPCyr5

39.812622687416, -83.974536110938

Jingshon Xie
Year of the project conception
Year of completion of the project
COST (€/m²) ($/m²) (€/ha) ($/ha)
Price category
Price subcategory
Jardines espacios de infraestructuras públicas
Steam-treated bamboo + metal connectors, red glass, white glass, concrete, wood.
Customer type
Administració pública
Customer Name
Chishui City Tourism Development and Investment Co.
Construction company
Chishui City Construction Engineering Co.
Works management
Chishui City Construction Engineering Co.
Maintenance manager
Liu Hon,Qingming Huang
Maintenance costs (€/m²)
Chishui City
Coordinates UTM
Between 105°56'33"-106°06'30 "E and 28°23'06"-28°30'19 "N.
City / Place
Huangshi Town, Chishui City
Zhuhai National Park