Matria Parque de Flores

Matria Parque de Flores

Màtria Parc de Flors

Matria Flower Park

Mátria, a play on the word Pátria (homeland) in Portuguese, represents a unique kind of motherland—an enchanting botanical park that captivates visitors with its natural allure. Born from a transformation movement, it seeks to reconnect people with the essence of life, promoting harmony and tranquility while evoking a sense of well-being and joy.

The park's location was carefully selected to help ensure its success. The creators sought a site with rolling hills, a picturesque lake, native forests, and ample space for the new gardens. The subtropical climate of southern Brazil played a crucial role, enabling the inclusion of plant species that thrive in cooler temperatures, a rarity in tropical gardens.

The landscape gardens of Matria seamlessly integrate with the natural terrain, leveraging its distinctive features to shape the overall design. The topography guided the pathways, while the lake became a central focal point. The wetland areas were preserved as natural gardens, and the tropical forest was incorporated into the visitors' route. Furthermore, specific characteristics of certain locations within the park helped determine the theme and purpose of each individual garden.

Extensive research into the native flora resulted in the selection of various plant species that harmoniously blend into the garden's composition. Native plants were predominantly chosen for afforestation, presenting an opportunity to showcase these species in diverse arrangements and reinforce the importance of their conservation. Among them, the lesser-known Gunnera manicata, a remarkable and endemic plant.

Mátria's gardens were conceived to promote well-being, joy, and a deep connection to nature as an art form. The park is an ever-evolving project, with life itself as its greatest ally in fulfilling its purpose. Visitors can immerse themselves in this enchanting sanctuary, where the beauty of nature reigns supreme, a respite from the outside world.



-29.3992871, -50.6416554

Juliana Castro
Year of the project conception
Year of completion of the project
COST (€/m²) ($/m²) (€/ha) ($/ha)
Price category
Price subcategory
Jardín Botánico
Customer type
Empresa privada
Customer Name
Monterosso Empreendimentos Imobiliários
Construction company
Monterosso Empreendimentos Imobiliários
Works management
Monterosso Empreendimentos Imobiliários
Maintenance manager
Monterosso Empreendimentos Imobiliários
Maintenance costs (€/m²)
RS-235, Km 68
Coordinates UTM
534808.41, 6747637.78, 22J
City / Place
São Francisco de Paula
Rio Grande do Sul