Team Bosk

The Bosk core team included the artistic director, project leader, executive production manager, various program producers, education coordinator, marketing & communication coordinator, volunteer coordinator and the project leader from the municipality of Leeuwarden. All members of the Bosk team were jointly responsible for the project and all had their own specific tasks and responsibilities. In various disciplines, the core team was supported by various employees.

From Arcadia, the artistic and business directors were closely involved. The administration was handled by Arcadia.

In addition to the marketing & communications team within the Bosk team, a brand manager from Arcadia was also involved. In addition, Bosk collaborated with Merk Fryslân (provincial) and Visit Leeuwarden (municipality of Leeuwarden). For the international press, there was cooperation with BKB Amsterdam, among others.

Bosk would not have been possible without close cooperation with the Municipality of Leeuwarden (coproducer) and the nearly 4000 participants/volunteers!