Parco della Cultura Antonio Caregaro Negrin

Parco della Cultura Antonio Caregaro Negrin

Park of Culture _ Antonio Caregaro Negrin

The park called before the intervention Parco di Villa Longobardi was declared of cultural interest pursuant to art. 12 of Legislative Decree 42/2004 (monumental constraint) is one of the important works of the landscape architect and engineer Antonio Caregaro Negrin (the architect of Alessandro Rossi – Lanerossi Vicenza), carried out between 1855 and 1861 on behalf of the Dalla family Vida. The area underwent an important deformation intervention when a residential villa (Villa Longobardi) with an underground garage was built in the years 1940/1950, completely extraneous to the delicate landscape context.

The Park, despite numerous interventions that have taken place over the years, had maintained some focal elements which, despite the state of degradation in which the park was pouring, were still recognizable. The project envisaged a mending of the garden to the urban fabric of the city of Mogliano Veneto and a re-functionalization of the areas, aimed at a reactivation of the area but also of the adjacent green areas, making them part of a wider and more structured system and returning the park to the city urban system.


The project is divided into thematic strategic actions that start from the recognition of the historical-botanical value of the Park, to restore a new balance within the landscape structure and at the same time, exploiting existing regenerated extraneous elements, functionally redevelop some areas by identifying plausible vocations that ensure its survival over time and careful use by the community.

The first and most important action was the demolition of the Villa Longobardi: a controlled and selective demolition of the above ground portion of the building and all parts of the floors, the reclamation of the tanks and cisterns with related pipes. The underground part is maintained and regenerated keeping its perimeter and making it functional for setting up a cavea for small events. The side basins, the old underground walls, become large containers of vegetation.

The second action is the regeneration of the Gardens area where the biodiversity garden, the children's area, the area for small concerts are found. This space, also with monumental constraints, has come down to us as an abandoned area. The project has recomposed the area by assigning it a high ecosystem and environmental value through the planting of over 2600 plants (perennial, medicinal, aromatic, mellifluous) and the placement of a pavilion/greenhouse that can be equipped for small events.

The third action is the control and redevelopment of the historical plant part, implemented through the initial phytosanitary investigation and the relative care of the plants. The interventions implemented were the enhancement of the existing vegetation in which the areas defined by Caregaro Negrin are now recognizable: the hill of the Beech trees and the hill of the Tassi, the management of the evolution of the main trees (with particular attention to the original Atlantic Cedar) , with the recovery of the still recognizable visit route of the park.



Funded by the European Union _ Ministry of Culture

The project received funding from the PNRR M1C3, Intervention 2.3 – Historic Parks and Gardens

Year of the project conception
Year of completion of the project
Price subcategory
Espacios abiertos y equipamientos
Customer type
Administració pública
Customer Name
Comune di Mogliano Veneto
Construction company
Fontana Group srl
Via Berchet 1
Coordinates UTM
45.562286, 12.240348
City / Place
Mogliano Veneto