Atelier LOOS van VLIET

LOOS van VLIET, founded in 2009, is an atelier for landscape and urban design with a wealth of experience. We work on projects in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The extent of the projects varies from development plans, urban plans, parks, and public urban spaces to gardens and the design of furniture for outdoor public spaces. In our designs, we address current global challenges with locally embedded sustainable design solutions. In our projects, we respond to the issues of climate change, biodiversity, and water management that affect cities nowadays. The essence of a place is deeply embedded in our designs. We build meaningful places and create unforgettable spatial experiences tailored to the site conditions.
It is essential in our work to integrate various field disciplines in the designs. It enables us to understand our assignment from different levels of scale and detail. This is what makes our capabilities flexible and what offers an excellent base for collaboration in complete plans. We like to develop, and this is why we include the knowledge of others when this leads to positive results. We have collaborations with knowledge institutes, water management experts, architectural offices, ecologists, and artists. Over the years, we have built up a broad portfolio of realized projects with a rich diversity of locations, scale levels, phases, and typologies.