Plaza del Forte Sao Luis

Plaza del Forte Sao Luis

Plaça del Forte Sao Luis

Forte Sao Luis Square

This square is nestled within a rich urban context regarding the city’s network of public spaces; its privileged location among important circulation axes further enhances its symbolic value, creating a landmark destination that caters to both residents and visitors on this tropical island. Understanding its strategic location allowed us to work with special landscape elements with remarkable plasticity that also evokes the rich historical significance of the site.

This terrain site was originally part of the sea. During the 18th century, it is believed to have housed the powderhouse of the Fortress São Luís da Praia de Fora, a component of the island's colonial-era military defense system. Then, as the city expanded,  various embankments pushed the land away from the shoreline. Eventually falling into private ownership, the area remained largely unused throughout the 20th century, transforming into an empty parking lot yearning for rejuvenation.

Respecting its storied past in a metaphorical manner, a sculptural element was introduced to breathe new life into the space while paying homage to its history. Instead of erecting a towering structure, excavation was chosen as the approach to reveal a message of the past. As the main object, a sculptural path conducts the visitor through the square to its heart, with water as its centerpiece, its circular shape spiraling to the center in a gentle slope. 

The former military land use is now a dynamic public place, embodying the ethos of a contemporary city that values spaces for people and embraces its natural elements. Mature native trees adorning the square's perimeter contribute to a warm and inviting ambiance, seamlessly blending with the surrounding streetscape. Thus, visitors feel embraced in a welcoming oasis at the same time it creates a sunny center with water as a main feature. Along with the water, vegetation here acts as guides along the path directing visitors to the center, the heart of the square.


At dusk, the colorful sunset reflects on the pool as it reveals the subtle lighting made with optical fiber that emerges among the stone pavement that covers the floor. It alludes to a sky full of stars right in the heart of the square and in the path that leads to it, creating a playful atmosphere. Near the perimeter of the square, taller light poles complete the lighting scheme and enhance the sense of security and comfort of the public space. Informative totems in dry areas showcase the site's rich history, allowing visitors to delve into its storied past.

Beyond its symbolic significance, the square plays a crucial role of bringing different people together, the very soul of public places. As it is located in a residential neighborhood, many locals from diverse social backgrounds gather to relish the outdoors in a qualified public space. This communal gathering placein cludes other playful elements such as moving water, a real joy for kids of all ages and movable armchairs to watch the beautiful sunset. In a similar way it does with its past history, water fountains emerge from the ground in several areas of the site revealing a captivating water dance.


-27.583922642349, -48.545010808518

Marina Makowiecky | Allume Arquitetura de Iluminação
Year of the project conception
Year of completion of the project
COST (€/m²) ($/m²) (€/ha) ($/ha)
Price category
Price subcategory
Customer type
Empresa privada
Customer Name
Habitasul Desenvolvimentos Imobiliários S.A.
Construction company
Habitasul Desenvolvimentos Imobiliários S.A.
Works management
Habitasul Desenvolvimentos Imobiliários S.A.
Maintenance manager
Habitasul Desenvolvimentos Imobiliários S.A.
Maintenance costs (€/m²)
Praca Forte Sao Luis, Avenida Beira Mar Norte
Coordinates UTM
742337.53, 6946491.93; 22J
City / Place
Santa Catarina