FOGGY VALLEYS - Land development project by the lake shore in Tęgoborze

FOGGY VALLEYS - Land development project by the lake shore in Tęgoborze

Bachelor diploma project

Cracow University of Technology

The subject of the project is the area stretching along the shore of Rożnowskie Lake in Tęgoborze in Poland. The place is in a valley, surrounded by picturesque Beskid Wyspowy and Pogórze Rożnowskie. The project area has a unique exposure to the highest hill, i.e. Dąbrowska Góra. The history of this place is related to the creation of Rożnowskie Lake in 1941 when the waters of the Dunajec river were damming up. At that time, many households were evicted, and pastures were liquidated. Since then the area has been subjected to land development and investment; stone terraces have been built on the shore of the lake, as well as parking lots, slopes, and small architecture has been introduced. Due to the flat topography, the vicinity of the Świdnik mountain stream and Rożnowskie Lake, there is a high probability of flooding in most of the area covered by the study. During heavy rains, the watercourse bed very often floods the surroundings. The Foggy Valleys Park is a space that is guided by the idea of the Nature-based Solutions. The main assumptions of the park are the use of a small retention to solve the flood problem, making the space more attractive to expand the group of recipients, and education on nature protection. In addition, land development aims to prove that wetlands have an unusual genius loci (spirit of the place) and do not need to be associated only with moisture, insects, and unpleasant feelings.

Landscape Arcitecture Department
Academic year