Hello! Old Friends! - Community Garden Construction Practice

Hello! Old Friends! - Community Garden Construction Practice

Landscape Planning and Design Studio - Daily Life

South China University of Technology

From mid-September 2022 to March 2023, the "WanQingWeiZhu (Caring for Those Who Once Cared for Us)" community garden construction group initiated the "Zero-Waste Garden Construction" practical activity. Initially, we conducted eight on-site surveys and multiple in-depth interviews with specific individuals. Through garden workshops, we gathered design concepts from the residents, resulting in three preliminary plans. After conducting another comprehensive survey, we incorporated the residents' feedback to merge the three plans into the final design, named "Hello! Old Friends!" Hello! wardrobes, windows, bricks, and bottles—these items are cherished old friends, who have found a new home in our garden. Hello, Mr. Wang and Miss Li! It's been a while—how are your flowers faring? We aim to create a vibrant space that provides new homes for old items and fosters community interaction. We invested significant time and effort in collecting waste materials. With the exception of a small quantity of bricks used in the garden, all construction materials were sourced locally. 64 residents participated in offline activities, while the online article garnered over 6000 visits. This project has ignited a resurgence in community garden construction, contributing to the creation of a charming and engaging living environment.

Department of Landscape Architecture
Academic year