The Bridge "Fatih"

The Bridge "Fatih"

Graduation Project: Landwalls Chronicles: Landscape Design of Istanbul Landwall District

Istanbul Technical University

Fatih district, with its historical richness and the states it has hosted from past to present, has developed and has come to this day. Within the scope of the project, I am working on the fortification area, which is one of the most important historical elements of Fatih, which has now sunk into oblivion and turned into a spatial crack.
While working in this field, I create a design to close the spatial crack by making free scale analyzes - 5000 -1000 - 500 and creating a design by going down to 200 scale details. I eliminate the spatial crack with the concept of Bridge, with the logic of closing the separation of the inside, inside and outside the city walls. With the bridge concept, which was established with the developments in the field starting from the revelation of history, the spatial crack will be closed, and an ecological bridge will be formed with the development, revival and recovery of the area. In the current situation, the area that can be carbon positive in 271 years will be carbon positive in 17 years with my new design and the living standard will increase.

Landscape Architecture
Academic year