Paisajes (a)temporales

Paisajes (a)temporales

Observatorio de Paisaje y Sustentabilidad

Diego Portales

The School of Architecture of the Universidad Diego Portales, through the Observatory of Territory and Landscape OPS seeks to address the series of issues surrounding the notion of landscape, aims to be reflective, tangible and intangible or natural and built, covering spatial and scalar ranges, as well as surface and dynamic elements interconnected with each other. It is within this perspective that OPS is situated within the current landscape perspective.

Although we are aware that the solutions and ideas could be infinite, the selected projects are a sample that points to the basic principles of our research, expressing a clear idea on how to approach and understand the complex relationship between architectural projects, the city and the territory.

The academic proposal is installed within the contemporary and (a)temporary research of the landscape, as well as from the territorial opportunities offered by the geography of our country, based on this the students investigate through those limits between the urban and the rural; it places the transhumance as a way of life; through proposals that encourage the recovery of the memory of remote places within the Chilean geography as well as the search and preservation of ecosystems together with the communities.

Proyectos de Título y Magister Universidad Diego Portales
Academic year