ART THERAPY AND CRAFTS CENTER for mentally diagnosed patients

ART THERAPY AND CRAFTS CENTER for mentally diagnosed patients

Graduate Project


ART THERAPY AND CRAFTS CENTER for mentally diagnosed patients.

The historically segregated population with mental diagnoses has been excluded from society due to the narrow construct of what is considered normal. This leads to feelings of rejection and fear, stripping these individuals of their identity and keeping them on the fringes of society. In the past, mental diagnoses were approached through isolating and punitive treatments aimed at forcing individuals to improve their condition, driven by the perception of their danger to society.

Current treatments focus on narrative sessions, individually or in groups, to understand and analyze the person's pathologies. However, society's negative perception of individuals with mental diagnoses persists due to misinformation and lack of education about these conditions.

This perpetuates historical segregation, sometimes even based on physical appearance, with separate spaces created to contain them, resembling leper colonies. Mental health institutions often resemble standard hospitals, where patients are confined far healing.

These spaces now prioritize care rather than comprehensive treatment, with expedient and isolating designs promising a cure. This approach overlooks the weight of mental health in society and reinforces the marginalization of patients, indirectly contributing to the erosion of their identities and a sense of belonging.

In response to this, a project emerges that focuses on therapy through occupational workshops, encoura­ging individuals to engage in therapeutic activities and explore art as a means of expression. These community spaces aim to redefine patients' self-perception, promote their well-being, restare their identities, and foster a sense of belonging to society.

The goal is to create an inclusive environment where individuals no longer feel different or isolated.


Academic year