Estanislau Roca Blanch


Vice-rector of Infrastructure and Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, is an University Professor and professor in ETSAB for graduate and postgraduate subjects. He has been invited as a teacher in about twenty prestigious international universities. Quality Award for University Teaching at the UPC (2011) and Jaume Vicens Vives Award. International teaching evaluator since 2015. For three decades, he has been part of the final project for the ETSAB and, since 2012, as president. Research Professor of the Urban Planning Doctorate Program of the UPC, distinguished with the Mention of Excellence (MEE 2011-0730). Director of seven doctoral theses cum laude, among them, Urban corners in the territory with extraordinary PhD award. Triennial research  prize   Lluís Domènech i Muntaner, Europa Nostra honor medal and Alejandro de la Sota  Extraordinary Prize-20 Years of Biennials, modality of outdoor spaces: urban spaces, parks and  gardens, interventions in the landscape and urban planning. Author of about twenty research books and more than a hundred scientific articles, book chapters and papers presented at  international conferences. Reviewer of several indexed magazines. He has been the director of the Department of Town Planning and Planning of the UPC and has been awarded the National Urbanism Prize.