MSc. Arch. Franklin Gaspar
Msc. in Landspace Architecture, UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.(2019);
Exchange Student, POLIMI - School of architecture and society, Politecnico di Milano. Milan, Italy. one year scholarship by the brazilian government program Science without Borders (Ciências sem fronteiras) (2014);
BSc. in Architecture and Urbanism, PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Merit scholarship.(2015)
Technologist in Environmental Management, CEFET/RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2009).
For the last 10 years I have gained professional experience in the areas of Water Management and Water Infrastructure, Landscape Architecture and Construction.
Due to the development of academic researches in Green Infrastructure and Landscape Urbanism that dialog with my professional practice, I had opportunities to share my work in Competitions, Academic Conferences and Workshops in different countries around the world.