Future field ideal town of Xi Lai -A heaven in a wild flower

Future field ideal town of Xi Lai -A heaven in a wild flower

Comprehensive landscape planning of Xi Lai town

Southwest Jiaotong University

Traditional and regional culture is an indispensable and important support in urban landscape design, but also the root and blood of urban landscape shaping. There are rich traditional and regional cultural resources in the living environment of small towns, whose landscape value is huge, extremely fragile and non renewable. In addition, the Landscape Shaping of small towns and their surrounding environment is also in the weak link of development and utilization in today's urban-rural integration construction. How to comprehensively use the principles of urban planning, urban design and urban landscape design to create a harmonious, ecological and sustainable development of small town settlement environment is one of the important issues in shaping new urban and rural features in the process of rapid urbanization in China .

Department of Landscape Architecture
Academic year