Guido Ferrara

Jury Rosa Barba 5

Environmental Planning and Landscape design are the main concern of the activity of Guido Ferrara since 1967. He has been involved in Italy in several schemes regarding landscape planning and design of open spaces in urban areas, resources analysis and assessment for tourism and recreation with special focus on outstanding beauty areas and historical heritage. As manager director, interdisciplinary teams have designed a suitable and sustainable future of large districts in Italy, referring to the creation of Natural Parks. He was given the highest award at various competitions on planning and landscape planning; he has also carried out numerous researches into landscape analysis and conservation. He was serving as Professor of Landscape Architecture to the University of Florence from 1970 to 2007; from 1997 he was Director of the post graduate School in Landscape Design of the same University. From 2006 he is scientific director of the magazine Architettura del paesaggio.