Henri Bava

Jurado Rosa Barba 6

1957 30th August born in Tunis.  1979 Plant biology degree at Paris-Orsay University. 1979/1980 Studies of Sce­nography at Ecole Jacques Lecoq, school of theater, Paris. 1980-1984 Studies at National school of landscape architecture (Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage- ENSP), Versailles. 1984 Qualified landscape architect (DPLG). 1986 Foundation of Agence Ter, landscape architecture company, with two partners: Michel Hoessler and Olivier Philippe. 1987-1998 Teatcher at the ENSP. 1993-1997 Landscape architect ad­viser of the Eure council in France. 1996-1998 President of the French Federation of Landscape architects (FFP). Since 1998 Professor at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany, faculty of architecture, Landscape Institute (Institut für Landschaft und Garten. 2001 Opening of a new Agence Ter office in Karlsruhe.