Design studio 2

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

The Presidenta’s Creek holds immense potential and carries a rich history in the hearts of Medellin's inhabitants. It was once a cherished place where people found solace, recreated, and enjoyed fishing. However, the ravine has faced significant changes due to urbanization and the evolving dynamics of tourism. These transformations have had mixed consequences. On one hand, efforts were made to enhance car mobility and implement hygienic measures, such as waterproofing the soil and controlling the ravines. Unfortunately, these measures had unintended consequences, leading to increased flooding in the area. On the other hand, the ravine's space has been encroached upon by urban developments, with fences restricting public access. The potential of this beautiful space has been overshadowed. The neighborhood's burgeoning tourism industry presents an opportunity to create more public spaces in the ravine while respecting its natural dynamics. The goal of this project is to establish a network of hybrid spaces that serve both recreational purposes and restore the water dynamics of the stream. By utilizing the expanded public space, we can effectively manage the flow of water and provide the ravine with the necessary environment to thrive once again. This project is a journey to revive and restore the dignity of the creek by acknowledging its history and respecting its natural features, in that way we can create a vibrant and functional space that will benefit the community for years to come. Join us in this endeavor to reclaim the ravine's splendor and ensure its preservation.

School of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Master in Landscape Design
Academic year