

Landscape Architecture

Kielce University of Technology

Hydropuncture is a context-based system of flash-flood resilient solutions implemented in a dense city fabric (Kielce, Poland). Recently, the city has been experiencing flooding which generates great economic costs. Another problem related to more extreme precipitation is dynamic changes in the water level of the Silnica river. The river floods the streets and squares and fills the city with water like a bathtub with a clogged drain.

As a response to climate change and heavy rainfalls, the new design covers a net of rain gardens, green roofs and green walls, sponge pocket parks, gutters, new plantings, in particular, trees and shrubs. By removing impermeable asphalt surfaces or concrete pavements the rainwater capacity is increased. Enabling water infiltration the urban vegetation receives better habitat conditions.

Hydropuncture is a combination of green and blue infrastructure that acts as a sponge, absorbing, and purifying rainwater. This combination of softscape and hardscape water retention solutions reduces the risk of flooding, improves water circulation, and has a positive impact on the microclimate, mitigating urban heat island, improving air quality, minimizing noise, and creating new recreation spaces for Kielce residents. 

Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture/Architecture
Academic year