Lecturer 6
Professor of Theory of Irreversible Processes in the Physics Department at the Universitat de Barcelona. Created and oversees the “Metatemas” series published by Tusquets Editores, an important collection for scientific thought which celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary in 2008. From 1991 to 2005, he directed “la Caixa” Foundation’s Museu de la Ciència, a pioneering institution worldwide. From 2005 to the end of 2009, he served as Director of “la Caixa” Foundation’s Àrea de Medi Ambient i Ciència and currently works as “la Caixa” Foundation’s Science Director. In 2007, the Generalitat de Catalunya presented him with the St. George Cross. Has published a hundred or so research papers on many different subjects including thermodynamics, mathematics, biophysics, microbiology, paleontology, entomology, scientific museology, and philosophy of science. His most recent books are: A más cómo, menos por qué (2006); El Gozo intelectual (2007); Yo, lo supérfluo y el error (2009).