Lecturer 3
José Antonio Marina is Head of the Philosophy Department for Baccalaureate students. He likes to consider himself a "cultural detective" and is proud of being a good gardener and having invented a new variety of cabbage, called The Empress of Spears. His intellectual project consists of developing a theory of intelligence that begins with neurology and ends with ethics. He is the author of Elogio y refutación del ingenio, Teoria de la inteligencia creadora, Etica para naufragos, El misterio de la voluntad perdida, La selva del lenguaje, El vuelo de la inteligencia, and among others. He is particularly proud of La lucha por la dignidad, written in collaboration with Maria de la Valgoma. He has received numerous prizes: the National Essay Prize, the Anagrama Essay Prize, the Don Juan de Borbón Prize for the Book of the Year, the Agustin Ferret Prize for Journalism, the DMR Economy Prize and the Gine de los Rios Prize for Educational Innovation.