Julio Gaeta + Luby Sringall

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Linear park Cuernavaca Railroad

We are interested in people, in places and in the creation of ecosystems that allow us to understand our existance; that enhance our human essence by linking it with the physical reality; by the creation of meaningful places. We have obtained our most important works though competitions: International Competition Linear Park Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca, National Competition Celaya´s New Cathedral, National Competiton for the Mexican Pavilion at the XVI Venice Biennal in 2014 and National Competiton for the Memorial to the Victims of Violence in Mexico, all of them, first place. Our projects had been awarded with: First Prize at Quito Biennial for Urban Design and Landscape Architecture; 3 Silver Medals and 1 Gold Medal in different biennials of Mexican Architecture.