Lecturer 6
Director of Wetlands International-China. Professor Chen has more than 30 years experience in wetlands conservation and management. His work at Wetlands International-China focuses on wildlife management, nature reserves and the development of comprehensive wetland conservation and wise use pro - grams within China. Professor Chen has collaborated with many international organisations including the World Bank, GEF and UNDP on projects such as the Peatlands Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Project in the Ruoergai Marshes (Sichuan Province), the Integrated River Basin Management and Wetlands Biodiversity in Tarim River (Xinjiang region) and the Lake Dianchi Aquatic Biodiversity Restoration Program (Yunnan Province). Professor Chen assisted in the completion of China’s Wetlands Conservation Action Plan and he is also more widely involved in the North Asia region particulary in public awareness and educational activities. Professor Chen has produced numerous Chinese and English publications since 1990. Publication topics have included wetlands, migratory waterbirds, nature reserves, wildlife management and endangered species.