Monteverde discende - paesaggi come azioni telluriche

Monteverde discende - paesaggi come azioni telluriche

Final degree dissertation

Roma Tre

The territory of the city of Rome is invested daily by the appearance of water-geological chasms and failures with the creation of road surface failures that condition everyday life and regularly commit municipal resources. These events are now very frequent and have a great impact on the livability of the city. This allows us to reflect on the rationale behind the restoration interventions and therefore of the matters with which these gaps are restored, but above all on the role they could acquire if these entities were first recognised as a result of a tangle of human and non-human processes. Taking as a reference the Monteverde neighbourhood in the western area of the capital, in the twelfth town hall, one looks at the understanding of these events by overcoming the concealment and obliteration that the local authorities are struggling to pursue. Research reveals that the breaks of sealed surfaces are a manifest of conditions that describe the events that occur below the surface. The ruptures of the road surface are time windows perhaps the only evidentiary inscription of deep time, so much result that the architect of constant change. The investigations conducted show that the subsoil,
with extensive portions of cover land, is subject to constant washing. What is concentrated in the process of rupture is “transition energy” : that period of time, or geological layer, in which soil movements and the pressures of urban life accumulate and amplify; energy accumulates and is suddenly released to find balance and stability. The research captures these transitions, inscribes them and legitimises them, affirms the processes and movements that bring to the surface conditions that are continually hidden.

Academic year