Landscape integration of the San river’s banks in Sanok

Landscape integration of the San river’s banks in Sanok

Cracow University of Technilogy

The thesis deals with developing of the San`s banks in Sanok. The landscape integration refers to a connection
between the area’s function with landscape exposition and the natural environment. Sanok is situated in the south
of Poland, in the Podkarpackie voivodeship. The area has a great scenery and environmental value. The San river
with its forest is the area protected by law, such as Natura 2000 and Góry Słonne Landscape Park.
The study aims at extracting great environmental value, connecting San banks with the city`s green system and
making the suburbs more attractive. The concept of the project relates to an active and passive view exposition.
The landscape links were found in the urban structure and close surroundings. The San river has a magnificent
neighbour, i.e. an antique museum buildings, one of the most important tourist attractions in Sanok where one can admire folk buildings of various ethnographic groups. The main assumption of the design is to create a complex of green areas playing the recreational role. The design includes improvement of foot, bike and road traffic. The functionality of the area is also an essential issue. Hence, the area is divided into separate terrains for different use. In addition to this, the design contains minimalisation of paved surfaces and transforms it into green car parks. In order to avoid progression of natural succesion and removal of species incompatibile with its habitat it is necessary to make a revision of vegetation. It also unveils eye-catching sights. The concept includes an
arrangement of a beauty spot and harmonisation of minor architecture within the designed area.

Architecture Faculty/Landscape Architecture/Master's Diploma
Academic year