Saracino Tagliabue Architetti

Saracino Tagliabue

Stefania Saracino graduated in architecture at Venice IUAV and Lisbon Technical University, under the guidance of Gonçalo Sousa Byrne and Bernardo Secchi; Master degree in Cultural Heritage Management at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.

Franco Tagliabue graduated in architecture at Milan Polytechnic, where has been teaching Museography for five years. Two-time winner of Maestri Comacini architecture Award, Como. 

The Stefania Saracino & Franco Tagliabue architectural firm is focused on landscape designing and sites of particular environmental interest.
The firm can boast the designing of high efficiency energy buildings, both public and private, for residential and services sector. 

Awarded competitions, 1st prize International architecture competition “Portanuova - Brienno”, Como Lake, 2006.
Casa Riga Awards: 3rd prize International “Constructive Alps” Prize for sustainable architecture 2015.