


The Theater Park


A Landscape Renaissance.

The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reports that we must put a stop to the over-exploitation of nature and the destruction of rich ecological environments. To sustainably use our natural resources, a worldwide intervention in the field of landscape architecture is required.

The wasteful use of non-sustainable materials and building methods needs to become more restrained. Extensive interventions need to be more carefully considered and existing qualities that are often overlooked need to be taken into account more seriously.

Aging and declining places of value and quality can flourish again with limited interventions.

Teaterparken (Theatre Park) is an example of how simple means can be used to preserve and at the same time bring new life to an existing place. On behalf of Exploateringskontoret (City development office) in Stockholm, we have refined and accentuated a natural area in Telefonplan, as well as preparing the park for the future as a neighbourhood park.

With extensive urban development and an increasing population, there is an increased need for parks and recreational areas. There is a measurable risk that this widespread development will undervalue and worsen existing nature close to the city. In the city, plans are often made for new parks that, among other aspects, deal with stormwater and tackle social inequality. In contrast, plans for wild nature are rarely made. These landscapes can provide a great sense of tranquility and strengthen ecological systems.

The park is part of the Hägerstensåsen area in Stockholm and consists of forest areas that could not be used for development due to expensive building costs. The mountainous terrain has been preserved in the park as a unique feature in an urban context. The natural forest provides rocks, branches and logs for children to play with, just a stones throw away from their homes. Too often are these types of landscapes densified which in turn prevents local communities from having such places on their doorsteps.

Regular site visits and inventories were crucial in understanding the area and being able to carry out regeneration that not only contributed with new values but also benefitted the existing landscape.

An extensive analysis and community involvement were the basis for three main focuses in the project:

Preservation of the existing mountainous landscape and forest

It was a priority to take advantage of and strengthen the natural landscape in the area. It was also important to create space for trees that contribute to the ecological systems in the park.

Regenerate and refine the heart of the park: The open-air theatre

The theatre provides rich cultural values that invite people to stay in the park and enjoy performances, music and poetry. Whilst providing sensual experiences that strengthen relationships with nature, small works of art and activity spaces for all ages, where people can play boule and skate are also present in the park. It was also important to not use hard materials that would damage the site's ecosystems.

Ensure easy access and orientation, so that as many people as possible can visit the park

A key aim was to make the forest and amphitheater a part of people's everyday lives. When visitor pressure increases, key routes through the park channel visitors away from green areas that are susceptible to damage and footpath erosion.

It is hoped that the project has extended the site's life as a dedicated neighborhood park. When the regeneration of this area was completed, the public was invited to an unveiling with performances, guided walks and activities. The turnout was successful, and a fantastic atmosphere was created by the proximity of nature, culture and beautiful weather. Having revisited the park, it is clear to see how the park is shared by children, birds and trees.

59.2984594, 17.9866876

Year of the project conception
Year of completion of the project
COST (€/m²) ($/m²) (€/ha) ($/ha)
Price category
Price subcategory
Intervención en espacios naturales
3 hectares
Customer type
Administració pública
Customer Name
Exploateringskontoret, Stockholm (City development office)
Construction company
SMM (Solution Markteknik I Mälardalen)
Works management
Maintenance manager
Stadsdelsförvaltningen Hägersten-Älvsjö
Maintenance costs (€/m²)
Förskottsvägen 20
Coordinates UTM
59.29844452507235, 17.986736014329278
City / Place
129 32 Hägersten