




Rijnvliet Edible Neighbourhood (REN) is a unique, co-created, new residential area in Utrecht, part of the Leidsche Rijn expansion that provides 1000 new ground-based dwellings. Initiated by local residents, the public space in the area is designed as an edible, educative landscape. The layout, based on the principles of food forestry, was developed in a participatory co-design procedure with residents, experts, and the municipality. This has resulted in a public space design where all the greenery is edible for humans and/or animals. The multiangled design and development approach made REN an exceptional project in which a new emerging form of urban agriculture offers enormous opportunities for making our cities more sustainable.

The public space of Rijnvliet consists of a 15-ha food forest with more than a thousand (fruit)trees and 220 different (sub)species of edible plants, herbs & shrubs. The food forest is built up with multiple layers of plants, forming an integrated ecosystem.

The entire district is embedded within a productive landscape, integrating three values: food production, usage, and nature. Therefore the principles to create a ‘food forest’ are merged with the functionalities required for the surrounding residential areas, providing a multiplicity of uses and unique access to nature for all generations. As a circular productive and educative landscape, REN creates social cohesion within a community. The abundant green and blue spaces are harmoniously blended with the built environment. The quality of life is enhanced by providing a rich human experience, high biodiversity, and extensive habitat for birds, bats, and other species.

Besides recreational benefits, the food forest functions as an integrated adaptive ecosystem that enhances the ecosystem services of the entire area. Including water management, heat reduction, and air purification, providing ample biodiversity and a rich human experience.




Rijnvliet Edible Neighborhood (REN - Barrio comestible de Rijnvliet) es una nueva área residencial única, co-creada en la ciudad de Utrecht, parte de la expansión de Leidsche Rijn que proporciona 1000 nuevas viviendas. Iniciado por los residentes locales, el espacio público en el área está diseñado como un paisaje educativo natural y comestible. El diseño, basado en los principios de la silvicultura alimentaria, se desarrolló en un procedimiento de co-diseño participativo con residentes, expertos y el municipio. Esto ha resultado en un diseño de espacio público donde toda la vegetación es comestible para humanos y/o animales. El diseño multiángulo y el enfoque de desarrollo hicieron de REN un proyecto excepcional en el que una nueva forma emergente de agricultura urbana ofrece enormes oportunidades para hacer que nuestras ciudades sean más sostenibles.

El espacio público de Rijnvliet consta de un bosque alimentario de 15 hectáreas con más de mil árboles (frutales) y 220 (sub)especies diferentes de plantas, hierbas y arbustos comestibles. El bosque de alimentos está construido con múltiples capas de plantas, formando un ecosistema integrado.

Todo el distrito está inmerso en un paisaje productivo, integrando tres valores: producción de alimentos, uso y naturaleza. Por lo tanto, los principios para crear un "bosque alimentario" se fusionan con las funcionalidades requeridas para las áreas residenciales circundantes, brindando una multiplicidad de usos y un acceso único a la naturaleza para todas las generaciones. Como paisaje productivo y educativo circular, REN crea cohesión social dentro de una comunidad. Los abundantes espacios verdes y azules se combinan armoniosamente con el entorno construido. La calidad de vida se mejora al proporcionar una rica experiencia humana, una gran biodiversidad y un extenso hábitat para aves, murciélagos y otras especies.

Además de los beneficios recreativos, el bosque alimentario funciona como un ecosistema adaptativo integrado que mejora los servicios ecosistémicos de toda el área. Incluyendo la gestión del agua, la reducción del calor y la purificación del aire, proporcionando una amplia biodiversidad y una rica experiencia humana.

Derived from the strengthened resident engagement, a number of educational, recreational, and (nature)inclusive initiatives were set up for Rijnvliet. Through organized tree-planting days, the new residents and school children were involved in the plantation process from the beginning. The active participation in the implementation of the food forest principles in public space, gives residents a strong stake in the future of the area and is the best assurance for long-term commitment to the stewardship of their Edible Neighborhood.

The cooperation between the neighborhood and the municipality was exceptional. Rijnvliet’s innovative and pioneering approach to city-making, earned Utrecht municipality the European Innovation in Politics Award 2021.

52.0806621, 5.0683685

Xavier San Giorgi
De Zwarte Hond
Year of the project conception
Year of completion of the project
Price subcategory
Intervenciones urbanas
15 ha
Customer type
Administració pública
Customer Name
Municipality Utrecht
Construction company
Van Wanrooij
Pecanlaan 50, 3545 CJ Utrecht
Coordinates UTM
52.08055893659991, 5.0683628239824605
City / Place